Welcome to SIBHU, where Geospatial Science and Technology empowers people – Turning Ideas into Innovations

About Us

At SIBHU, we are passionate about pushing the boundaries of scientific and technological innovation to solve the world’s most challenging problems.

Our team of experts is dedicated to conducting cutting-edge research, developing groundbreaking technologies, and delivering solutions that make a real impact.

We, at SIBHU, offer services for potential collaboration with Indian Government, Geospatial Industry, Academia and NGOs with our vast experience and service in all these sectors and through the huge network of institutions and professionals established over the period.


  • To contribute to the geospatial ecosystem in the USA in an advisory and consulting capacity.
  • To enable geospatial industry of the US to work in India and familiarize them with the issues, challenges and opportunities in view of the liberalized policies in India and the US.
  • To enable Indian expertise to enrich the talent pool in the US
  • To build network of the US and Indian industry and academic institutions, researchers and professionals
3D earth


The revolutionary changes in India offer huge opportunities to the US Geospatial Industry and Academia to work in India. Details of changes in policy and areas of potential business can be seen below.

Services Offered

  • Strategic planning and management
  • Encourage and mentor Startups
  • DPR preparation, Feasibility Reports
  • Technology & Market trends for businesses
  • Quality control assessment
  • Government Policy and standards adherence
  • Technical & Advisory services in geospatial domain
  • Project evaluation and monitoring
  • Training programs development and evaluation
  • Evaluation of business proposals


We, at SIBHU, offer services for potential collaboration with Indian Government, Geospatial Industry, Academia and NGOs with our vast experience and service in all these sectors and through the huge network of institutions and professionals established over the period


The founder and Managing Director, Dr Siva Kumar Rachapudi has five decades of experience in surveying, mapping, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Infrastructures in Government, Academia, Industry and NGOs. He conceived, established and nurtured National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in India and had been on the board of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for the past 17 years and currently is Director Emeritus OGC. He is also Director of IIT Tirupati Navavishkar Innovation Foundation (IITT NiF) besides being member of the Bureau of Indian Standards (LITD 22 Geospatial Information) and advisor in a number of organizations.


The founder Managing Director, Dr Siva Kumar Rachapudi, an alumnus of IIT Delhi is well acknowledged expert and leader in the domain both internationally and in India.


The team includes members of the vast network of professionals, scientists and researchers from across related domains

How American and Indian Geospatial Industry can benefit from new policies

Benefits from new Geospatial Policy 2022 of India

The removal of restrictive policies in India can pave the way for a more open and dynamic geospatial industry with potential benefits for both Indian and American players These changes have the potential to benefit the American geospatial industry in several ways:

  1. Increased Collaboration Opportunities:
    • The liberalization of geospatial data policies in India has opened doors for collaboration between American and Indian geospatial companies allowing easier collaboration and partnerships between American and Indian geospatial companies.  This collaboration can lead to the exchange of expertise, technology, and resources, creating opportunities for innovation and growth
    • American companies can now work more closely with Indian counterparts on joint projects, leading to the exchange of knowledge, technology, and expertise.
  2. Access to Diverse Data Sources:
    • The policy changes in India open up access to a wide range of geospatial data, including highly detailed maps, satellite imagery, and other valuable information.
    • This data can be used by American companies to enhance their products and services, as well as to support research and development efforts.
  3. Market Expansion and Growth:
    • With more open policies, American geospatial companies have the opportunity to expand their market presence in India.
    • The Indian market is significant in terms of size and diversity, and the policy changes create a more conducive environment for American companies to operate and grow their business.
    •   With the removal of licensing requirements and data sharing restrictions, it becomes easier to provide geospatial products and services to Indian businesses and government agencies.
  4. Innovation and Technology Transfer:
    • American geospatial companies can benefit from India’s technological advancements and expertise in geospatial applications, especially in areas like agriculture, urban planning, and disaster management. They can learn from these advancements and adapt them for use in other markets.
    • The relaxed policies encourage the exchange of cutting-edge geospatial technologies and solutions between American and Indian companies.
    • This can lead to the development of innovative products and services that cater to a global audience.
  5. Fostering Startups and Entrepreneurship:
    • The policy changes can pave the way for startups and entrepreneurs in both India and the U.S. to collaborate and innovate in the geospatial sector.
    • This can lead to the emergence of new, disruptive technologies and solutions.
  6. Supporting Infrastructure Development:
    • The availability of high-quality geospatial data can support infrastructure development projects in India, which require accurate and up-to-date spatial information.
    • American companies with expertise in geospatial technologies can play a crucial role in these projects.
  7. Addressing Global Challenges:
    • The geospatial industry plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges like climate change, disaster management, urban planning, and healthcare.
    • Collaborative efforts between American and Indian companies can lead to more effective solutions in these areas.
  8. Access to Skilled Workforce:
  • India has a large pool of skilled IT professionals and data scientists. American geospatial companies can tap into this talent pool for development and innovation..
  • Joint Research and Development: Collaboration between American and Indian geospatial companies can lead to joint research and development projects. These collaborations can accelerate innovation and result in the development of cutting-edge geospatial technologies and solutions
  • Diverse Data Sources: With relaxed data collection and sharing regulations, American companies can access diverse and comprehensive geospatial data from India. This can be valuable for various applications, such as mapping, remote sensing, and analytics.
  1. Global Competitiveness: As India becomes more open to international geospatial collaboration and investment, American companies can enhance their global competitiveness. Access to India’s market and resources can help them expand their presence in other international markets as well.
  2. Policy Advocacy: American geospatial industry associations and organizations can engage with Indian authorities to further align geospatial policies in both countries. This can result in more standardized and favorable policies that promote collaboration and trade.
  3. Innovation in Specific Sectors: The relaxed policies in India can specifically benefit American geospatial companies in sectors like agriculture, urban planning, smart cities, environmental monitoring, and disaster management. These areas have substantial growth potential in the Indian market.

It is important to note that the benefits will largely depend on how companies and organizations in both countries leverage the new policies and take advantage of the opportunities presented by the liberalization of geospatial data..

Benefits from new Space Policy 2023 of India

  • Collaborative Ventures: A progressive space policy in India could foster increased collaboration between American and Indian space agencies and private space companies. This could lead to joint missions, satellite projects, and research endeavors.
  • Access to Launch Services: India has a reliable track record in space launches. American companies could potentially benefit from utilizing Indian launch services for sending satellites or payloads into space. This could offer a competitive and cost-effective alternative.
  • Data Sharing and Analytics: An open space policy could facilitate the sharing of satellite data, which is crucial for various industries like agriculture, disaster management, urban planning, and environmental monitoring. American companies could leverage this data for analytics and insights.
  • Emerging Commercial Opportunities: With a progressive space policy, new commercial opportunities may arise. For instance, American companies specializing in satellite technology, communication systems, or space-based services could find a more conducive environment for partnerships or business expansion.
  • Research and Development Collaboration: Collaboration in space research and development could lead to innovation in areas like propulsion technology, satellite design, and space exploration methods. This could benefit American companies engaged in space-related research and technology development.
  • Market Expansion: India’s space industry is growing, and American companies could benefit by tapping into this expanding market. They could provide technology, services, and expertise to support India’s space missions and projects.
  • Space Tourism and Exploration: If India’s space policy includes provisions for space tourism or lunar exploration, American companies in these sectors could potentially find opportunities for partnerships or collaborations.
  • Education and Training: Collaborative initiatives in space education and training programs could open up avenues for American educational institutions and companies specializing in space education and training services.

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Email: [email protected]